Introduction to the Manganese Nutrient

Introduction to the Manganese Nutrient

Manganese (Mn) is a crucial micronutrient in plant nutrition. Despite being required in smaller quantities, manganese plays a significant role in plant growth and yield. Let’s explore why manganese is vital for plants and how to manage it effectively for optimal crop productivity:

1️⃣ Role of Manganese in Plants

Manganese activates important enzymes involved in photosynthesis, helping convert sunlight into energy. Manganese also plays a role in nitrogen metabolism, which is critical for protein synthesis. Additionally, it aids in the synthesis of lignin, which strengthens plant cell walls, making plants more resilient to diseases and environmental stress.

2️⃣ Manganese Deficiency Symptoms

Manganese deficiency is often characterised by interveinal chlorosis on young leaves, where the tissue between the veins turns yellow while the veins remain green. In severe cases, brown or grey spots may appear, and plant growth may be stunted. Early detection of these symptoms is essential to prevent yield loss.

Deficiency of manganese in plants

3️⃣ Factors Affecting Manganese Availability

Manganese availability in the soil is highly influenced by soil pH. In acidic soils, manganese is more readily available to plants, whereas in alkaline soils (high pH), manganese can become unavailable. Compacted soils, poor drainage, and cool conditions can also restrict manganese uptake, leading to deficiency symptoms in crops.

4️⃣ Best Practices for Manganese Management

Regular soil and leaf testing monitors manganese levels and ensures plants receive adequate amounts. Foliar sprays of manganese sulphate or manganese chelates can be applied as a corrective measure if deficiencies are detected. Additionally, proper soil management practices like maintaining optimal soil pH, improving drainage and reducing soil compaction can help enhance manganese uptake.

In conclusion, manganese is a critical nutrient that should not be overlooked in plant nutrition. By conducting regular soil and leaf testing and taking timely corrective action, farmers and agronomists can ensure healthy plant growth and optimal yield. For personalised guidance on managing manganese and other soil nutrients, feel free to contact our experts at

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