Fertiliser and Compost Analysis

Know your fertiliser

Our Fertiliser and Compost Analysis enable you to determine the quality and quantity of nutrients in fertilizer blends and organic manures. It’s also designed to give you peace of mind when purchasing or formulating different blends, reassuring you that what’s written on the bag is also in the bag.

Our various fertiliser, compost and lime tests allow you to:

  • Test the quality of imported products and raw materials used in fertiliser blending
  • Independently assess and validate products for blenders
  • Help you optimise your composting methods
  • Safeguard on-farm investment decisions for valuable purchases
  • Help you select the right nutrient options for your farm
Order Fertiliser and Compost Analysis today

Types of Fertilizer Analysis

To make sure your plants are getting the nutrients they need, we offer several high-quality tests for fertiliser, lime and manure blends. Our services include:

Our fertiliser quality analysis determines the precise amount of each nutrient in your fertilizer sample. We offer fertilizer testing services for all the main fertilizers and foliar solutions, and the analysis will indicate whether the quality of the product is acceptable or not. We can also test for heavy metals if required.

Compost and manure analysis determines the quantity of available nutrients in solid and liquid organic manures. Knowing your nutrient content helps when developing a crop management program, as you only want to apply what is missing.

Compost quality is key if you want to see great results, and poorly made compost can cause more harm than good. Apart from the available nutrient content, we are also able to provide you with pathogen tests for compost and manure.

We also advise on different composting methods. This helps you improve the C:N ratio, moisture and temperature of the compost. It also helps you reduce the risk of E. coli and salmonella developing in the compost, which can be a serious issue when it’s used in horticultural crops.

The quality of limestone varies widely, with two main kinds of lime available (dolomitic and calcitic lime) that can have very different levels of calcium and other minerals. Our laboratory tests quantify the calcium and magnesium content, as well as score the acid neutralizing value and texture. From this we can tell farmers whether the lime is fit for purpose or not.

In addition to limestone quality analysis, we can also use soil test data from your farm to give accurate recommendations on the amount of lime needed per acre and the best time of year to apply it.

Talk to our Fertiliser and Compost Analysis experts